Buying a Group Token
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Step 1: Go to, log in to your account, and click on ‘Tokens’ in the navbar menu
Step 2: This will open the Token Discovery page where you will see a list of Group Tokens.
Click on the one you want to buy
Step 3: On the right hand side, you will see a section to to buy/sell your Group Token
Step 4: Add the amount details and click on ‘Place Trade’
Step 5: After you place your trade, double-check the details and Approve your transaction
Step 6: Once your transaction is approved and the tokens are bought, this popup will appear
Click on ‘All Done’
Congratulations! You have successfully bought your first Group Token! 🎉
To check your balance, simply go to the user Dashboard from the navbar menu to see all the tokens you hold along with their details.